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News Room

Project Biodiversity (Projeto Biodiversidade) is a Cabo Verdean non-profit organisation committed to the protection of wildlife through community-focused environmental initiatives in Sal, Cape Verde. Since its inception in 2015, Project Biodiversity has led the direct protection and conservation efforts on the island. Our combined approach centers around three main goals: protecting island wildlife, increasing environmental awareness, and supporting a greener and more sustainable local economy. Defined by these interconnected pillars, our approach unites local conservation efforts with long-term capacity building by establishing programmes that benefit both Sal island’s unique ecosystems and its people.

Featured International Coverage

Our work has been covered by numerous local, national and international outlets including BBC Earth, 20 Minuten and more.


Birdlife International: How Cabo Verde is becoming a safe haven for seabirds

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BBC Our Blue Planet: Saving Baby turtles with Project Biodiversity

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Birdlife International: Drones, stretchers and other surprising reasons for Cabo Verde’s turtle nesting boom

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Featured National Coverage

Our work is regularly featured in local and national news outlets as a way to spread awareness about the importance of biodiversity and to inspire the community to take action to protect local ecosystems and wildlife. 

Radio Spot

RTC: Sal: “Guardiões do mar” para monitorar a fauna marinha e combater as infrações


RTC: Campanhas de preservação a meio gás devido a pandemia


Limpeza subaquática em Pedra de Lume deixa a baía mais limpa

Recent Announcements

Projeto Biodiversidade lança a iniciativa “Sustentável, do Mar ao Prato” na ilha do Sal para aumentar a conscientização dos pescadores, restaurantes e consumidores no apoio à pesca sustentável

O Programa Guardiões do Mar celebra um novo marco importante na Ilha do Sal com a adição de mais 19 botes.

Projeto Biodiversidade lança campanha nacional para combater o consumo ilegal de espécies marinhas protegidas



Press Kit

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Press Kit

Coming soon

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Fact Sheets

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Fact Sheets

Coming soon

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For press inquires, please contact us at


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